Navneesh Dental Clinic is the best dental clinic for Cosmetic Dentistry. Traditional dentistry is concerned with oral hygiene as well as the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral disease, whereas cosmetic dentistry is concerned with the appearance of the teeth, mouth, and smile. In other words, restorative, general, and/or family dentistry treat dental problems, whereas cosmetic dentistry provides elective - or desired - treatments or services. Restorative properties may be found in cosmetic treatments. Dental fillings, for example, are a common treatment for decayed teeth. The majority of dental fillings used to be made of gold, amalgam, or other materials that left visible dark spots on the teeth. Today's dental fillings can be considered cosmetic to some extent because you can select fillings made of porcelain or composite materials that closely match the color of your teeth, preserving the natural appearance of your teeth and smile. Many people choose to have their older fillings replaced with newer, tooth-colored fillings to improve their oral appearance.