Pediatric Dentistry


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May 28, 2022

Pearly teeth are crucial for a beautiful smile. Everyone likes aligned whiter and healthy teeth. So, when parents find something unusual about their child’s teeth, they quickly become worrisome. The dental problems in children may get worse if they are not treated on time. On the other hand, some dental issues can be resolved as time goes. But, whenever in doubt, consult your dentist about the dental conditions of your children. Here we are bringing information about a specific dental condition in children; mamelons. This blog is a comprehensive guide about mamelons on teeth. Before you get worried about the look of your child’s teeth, read through this information. You may have noticed ridges on the end of your child’s teeth. Especially when the new teeth erupt in children, the ridges and bums are prominently visible that is known as mamelons. Mamelons can differ from person to person; however, most of the time, they are not visible in adult teeth.NAVNEESH DENTAL CLINIC offers a wide range of treatments for cosmetic dentistry to make your smile aesthetically appealing, we serve comprehensive treatment for the improvement of your smile with the most appropriate dental treatment. Connect with NAVNEESH DENTAL CLINIC, cosmetic dentistry Roswell, to book your appointment. We have a specialized dentist to treat all dental problems efficiently.

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